Release Notes
Version 2.1
This update introduces features requested by speakers and a fixed theme for the analog clock:
- Countdown Timer: Added option to set the alarm duration per timer. (*)
- Countdown Timer: Tapping on the remaining time shows it fullscreen.
- Analog Clock: Fixed 70ties theme for the new iPad.
(*) Requires the app to be running.
Version 2.0
This major update contains visual improvements and enhanced features:
- Analog Clock: Optional second tick sound for the analog clock
- World Clock: Timeline chart view for the world clocks
- World Clock: The timezone database now contains over 100.000 cities
- Alarm / Timer: Custom alarm sounds from the music library for alarms and countdown timers *
- Alarm: The selected alarm sound is shown in the alarm list
- Timer: Sleep timer support for arbitrary audio players (no longer limited to the music / iPod app) *
- Stop Watch: Export results by Mail
- General: Retina support
- General: New icon
(*) Requires the app to be running
Version 1.9
Countdown Timer: The countdown duration can be selected up to the second.
Countdown Timer: Timers can be paused and resumed.
Alarm Sounds: Reveille and Taps added.
Version 1.8.1
- Bugfix: The weekdays for repeated alarms could not be selected in the previous release.
Version 1.8
Alarm / Countdown Timer: The 30 seconds limitation for the alarm sounds no longer applies if the device is locked while the app is running.
Sleep Timer: On iOS 5 the device may be locked when sleep timers are active.
Version 1.7
- This version is now compatible to iOS 5:
Background alarms have to be enabled in the “Settings” app. See for more information.
Version 1.6
World Clock: You can now add clocks for time zones like UTC, GMT, etc. Since they have no location, sun rise and set cannot be calculated for them.
Analog Clock: An optional date display has been added. You can choose from various date formats.
Digital Clock: Like above, the date format can now be chosen.
Settings / Font: In the font selection lists the font names are now displayed in their type face.
Tab Bar / Status Bar: In the Analog and Digital Clock a tap anywhere on the screen hides the status bar and the tab bar. A further tap will bring them back. When the app resigns active or when the device gets rotated they will also become visible again.
Countdown Timer: The start / stop buttons got gradient backgrounds and larger labels (in white).
Bug Fixes: Unexpected layout after interface orientation changes should be fixed. Background images can now be in jpeg format.
Version 1.5
Changes in this version:
Alarm: Alarm times get sorted by hour/minute.
Alarm: Fixed a bug in alarms when switching timezones.
Version 1.4
Beginning with Release 1.4 a free version of “The Clock App” called “The Free Clock App” is available. It has a maximum of 2 world clocks, 1 alarm, and 1 countdown timer.
New in this version:
Alarm: The last selected alarm sound will be used as default for new alarms.
Countdown Timer: Like above, the last selected timer alarm sound will be used as default for new timers.
Alarm Sounds: 2 new sounds added: “303 – 1 note” and “303 – 2 notes”.
World Clock: Online update of the timezone database has been added. If an update is available it will be installed automatically when a new world clock gets added.
World Clock: Corrected city name of “Beijing” in german localization to “Peking”.
Version 1.3
What’s new in this version:
Analog Clock Themes: 2 new themes: “simple” and “70ties”.
World Clock: Corrected city name of “Vienna” in german localization to “Wien”.
Version 1.2
New Features:
Alarm Sounds: 2 new sounds added: “Soft Beat” and “Whirly Beeps”.
Stopwatch: Once started it keeps running for up to 1 year even if the clock app is being stopped. Recorded lap times are added to a table which can be copied to the “Cut, Copy, and Paste” buffer by a touch and hold gesture.
Web Links: The “Help” section of the settings page has been renamed to “Web Links” and a direct link to the App Store rating page has been added. If you like this app, please rate it. The app will not bug you with a “rate this app” alert.
Update Notes:
- Fresh installations get the stopwatch placed before the settings page in the tab bar. Since the tab order is preserved during updates, the stopwatch gets inserted as the last tab. The order can be configured in the settings tab.
Version 1.1
New Features:
Sleep Timer: Instead of playing an alarm sound timers can stop iPod media playback. Sleep Timers require the app to be running in the foreground. They cannot be used to pause the video app. iPod media includes music, audio podcasts, and audio books.
Analog Clock Themes: 3 additional themes for the analog clock: “blue theme”, “green theme”, and “red theme”.
Alarm Sounds: more alarm sounds (“Agogo Groove 01”, “Galleria Long”, “Gelato”, “Glide Medium”, “Pendulum”, “Perspectives Long”, “Pulsing Logo Accent 02”, “Redondo Beach Long”, “Roadtrip Long”, “Rooster Call”, “Sideman Strut Long”, “Windy City Long”).